How do I approach this without a fight?

My spouse and I had a big argument yesterday about making my toddler say I love you and I'm not sure how to handle it in the future.

My in-laws live several states away and are in their late 70s so they only visit a few times a year, but they FaceTime our 3 year old several times a week (probably every other day). Our son sometimes "runs away" from the phone but its usually all in good fun; he truly loves them but I think it gets tedious for him because they call so often and he's only 3. It's not like he's really having conversations, he likes to show off his newest ninja moves or nerf guns.

The argument happened because at the end of their conversation yesterday, my husband was all but shoving the phone into my son's face saying "Tell them you love them! Say I love you! Give them a kiss! Hey, she said I love you, say it back!" Etc. This isn't new but it rubbed me the wrong way (I'm also 27 weeks pregnant so, hormones). I tried to suggest afterward that we not force him to say I love you or blow kisses but he got super offended. I want my son to grow up feeling that he has choices regarding this, and my husband sees it as me not wanting my son to say i love you 😒 how would I approach this topic with both a stubborn 40-something year old husband and a 3 year old?