Mil rant

So my husband and I have a 2 year old. My mom and my husband's father are constantly involved in his life. My dad lives far away and my husband's mom lives 45 minutes away from us. I think I am just trying to vent because she doesn't seem all that interested in her grandson. Just her son. We've had our issues in the past because she's controlling and did not like it when I told her that some of the stuff she was doing and saying wasn't ok and it hurt my feelings (since my husband can't stand up for me)so anyways. We've tried to keep the peace. But she's come here and there when it's convenient for her like she's meeting her boyfriend halfway and she's coming here to make sure traffic dies down. So its not that much that she comes here. We have gone out there and it's kinda fake like she's just trying to show the bare minimum to impress my husband. But I try because that's his grandmother. I can't say this to him because he'll chew my head off because I can't even say oh your mom's hair is brown not biege. It's really frustrating and plus he's going to visit her today and she has taks for him to do so its not a visit and she'd rather not have our son go there because it will take away from the tasks she needs him to do. It's been tough. And even his dad and sister said that when it comes to his mom. He won't change. So it's just something that has been following me forever and I somtimes don't know how to deal with it.