Stressing about wake windows


I’ve posted in the past about my overly fussy (at least in my opinion) newborn… now my newest stressor is her sleep!

I’ve read over and over and over about the tiny wake windows newborns have. As soon as they show their sleepy cues they’re supposed to go down for a nap…. Otherwise they’ll get overtired. They’re supposed to sleep for a million hours a day, etc… but mine doesn’t and it’s stressing me out that she’s not getting enough sleep! Will this harm her??

I just read like 20 posts where people are asking how to keep their newborn up during the day, or saying that theirs only stays up to eat and then passes back out. Ha!!! She’s never ever done that. Feeding does not seem to calm her down in the slightest… she cries after eating like she wants more but she’s already getting 120ml soooo…. No milk drunk over here!

Am I alone that my newborn (3 weeks) does NOT sleep the at much! She just… won’t go to sleep during the day. I do everything I can to help her to sleep including contact naps but she probably only sleeps 30-45 mins every three hours or so. At night she sleeps maybe 2-3 hours twice. This seems like not nearly enough sleep to me but I can’t force her to sleep….

Anyone else??