Anyone have very faint OPK and very faint pregnancy test ?!?!

kathryn • Mama bear to Jaxson Cayde 💙Born April 9th 💙

Has anyone had a vvfl on OPK and vvvfl on pregnancy test also I’m so confused ?! I’m supposed to ovulate here soon but not sure when. I gave birth 3 months ago and I did not get my period in June but did in may … had sex June 12th , condom broke and ovulated the 14th my period was supposed to arrive the 20th-23rd how many days after missed period can I re test or is it still to soon to test ? I know I seen somthing or could be imagining things I had blood work on wens-day and it was negative .

Definitely not trying to get pregnant I also got my copper IUD put in a last Friday I am having sickness ( in the mornings ) for a few weeks now not every day but most days had spotting for 2 days without cramping

Ovulation test

Pregnancy test