so i recently got a new apartment to myself and long story short one of my friends is already asking if she could stay a few days due to have problems with her boyfriend who she lives with. Now ive always looked out for this friend but we started having this distance when i realized she put her boyfriend before her friends, and i felt like she didn't care about much about what i had going on anyways. Or we just grew out of the friendship a bit. Either way we weren't the closest friends so i kinda just let it go.

Anyways when she reached out i was honestly a bit annoyed because i told myself before moving i wasn't gonna be letting people crash there because i know sometimes they take advantage and overdue their stay. I gave in tho because i wanted her to be okay and i wanted to be a good friend.

She got here at night and i helped settle in. I only have a couch to offer so i got that set up. She vented to me and i was her shoulder to cry on. And well I'm a pretty blunt person so at the end I told her I'm here for her but she's only allowed to stay her like four days just because she should make a decision by then and i would also like to spend some time alone at my new place. She kinda stayed quiet and kept talking about how she should be good by then, they were probably just having a small fight. By that time i was sleepy so i excuse myself to go to bed.

Keep in mind this friend doesn't really bother to check on me anymore and barely texts back when i used to check on her and ask to hangout because she was busy with "work" (i would be understanding but i work too and still managed to find the time so i distanced myself because she never really put in the same effort and we weren't too close anyways). BUT i was still willing to help her because i wanted to be there.

Anyways this morning i wake up and her bag is gone and so is she. She leaves me a text saying "hey thank you for letting me stay the night but i didn't feel comfortable staying at a time limit. I thought I could count on you but it seems you're all about you now." Then she sent another text saying "Thanks again, i really do appreciate it. I won't be bothering you again."

And honestly it did bother because i did welcome her into my home. I fed her, gave her my fluffiest warmest blanket to sleep in, and we drank some cheap wine but i let her vent to me and was a shoulder to cry on. The only thing i did wrong was tell her she could stay four days max. Which i really didn't think she'd need to stay more than that. I honestly felt the need to say it to protect my peace that i worked hard to get.

I ended up not responding because i didn't really like how she said her "thanks".

Anyways what do y'all think AITA?