Successful VBAC! Baby Boy is here


So not sure if it was the membrane sweep with sexy time, or the induction milkshake, or a combo of both- but things got moving and contractions started around 1:30/2pm Wednesday.

By 5:30 they were coming 4-5 minutes apart lasting 45-60 seconds long and were getting pretty uncomfortable.

By 7pm, they were getting pretty painful and coming at 3 minutes apart consistently, lasting from 60-75 seconds. At this point I let my husband finish making dinner for him and our little one (was too nauseas to eat anything and didn’t want to try since sprite upset my tummy). They were able to eat and hubby was able to do a speedy shower before we had to head out the door around 8:20/8:30.

Arrived at the hospital around 8:50/9pm.

Was checked and told we were at a solid 4CM. After the general info and then doing bloodwork and watching baby for a bit, They had us go walk for 30 minutes before the next check and I was having contractions very consistently (hubby said we stopped 15 times because I couldn’t walk and needed to breathe through the painful contractions, stopping for over a minute each time with some close to 2min long)

Was checked again at 10:30 and we were at a 5CM. They admitted us then and prepped a L&D room.

We were moved in the delivery room around 11:15(ish) and was checked again around 11:30 and found we were at 8CM already.

They started calling the Dr. To get him over and while we waited for the Dr. My water broke right at midnight.

After water broke, within 10-15 min. I was having the urge to push, but the nurses tried to have me hold off while we waited for dr. (And not thinking I had progressed from 8 to 10 already).

Dr. Arrived and quickly got us all into position and gave me the go ahead to start pushing because baby’s head was descending (at this point I couldn’t even help it if I tried- my body had just completely taken over).

Our amazing baby boy, Major Wilson Ehrler, was born at 12:37am (an awesome DOB of 7/7/2022).

A Successful unmedicated VBAC!

I got to do immediate skin to skin with my baby boy. Holding onto him as they patted some of the blood off of him.

I held onto him closely as they pushed on my stomach to help deliver my placenta- which didn’t even phase me at this point and wasn’t as bad as I had heard/thought it would be.

I had two bilateral labia tears that required a total of 6 stitches which was also done unmedicated (they wanted to get me some meds for the stitching because of the location and how sensitive it is but due to my morphine allergy they were having difficulty finding something they could give me, and so the Dr went ahead and started and since I was doing fine through it, just skipped the meds completely- which I was fine with at that point too since I had already been through everything else).

Baby Major was 5lbs 15oz and 18.5 inches long. Small boy (but long) for being 38W6D officially when he came so they had to do tests to make sure his blood sugars were staying up. But we got our VBAC, healthy baby boy, and healthy momma!

We were moved out of our delivery room to our postpartum recovery room around 4am (they had issues with systems going down and were behind on getting people, including our new baby, admitted which caused delays).

As long as everything continues going good, we should be discharged by 11am Friday!!!

Wooohoooooooo tho- we did it