I need some advice

Yesterday $50.00 went missing from the money I’ve been saving. I keep it put away so I won’t spend it. It was in a draw that I don’t really go in. Kept inside an envelope inside something else. The only person that could have taken it is my husband. We live together and have a cat. So we can rule out our cat. He can’t open a draw and look through it. Then find where I put the money. My question is, Should I say something to my husband? Or should I just not mention it at all? My thought process is thinking when other money has gone missing. And I just be like maybe I spent it or loss it. I am not going crazy. Right! He’s been taking the money. Or maybe I forgot what I did with it. It’s like I am second guessing myself. I don’t like to argue or don’t like conflict. But it’s the principle of it. Like why not ask for the money. Especially if you needed it. Why steal it from your wife. Please comment below ⬇️