Hypertension confusion


Mamas! I am lost. Back story, my first pregnancy I had PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) it started around 34 weeks. I ended up induced at 37 weeks because of the diagnosis. At that time my Original Ob was out so I was with another one for a bit. She’s the one that called the shot. This pregnancy I am high risk because of that and just being over weight etc.. anyways I’m 35 weeks 4 days today and I’ve had to go to labor and deliver a lot just for different things but one of those times was I thought my pressure was high, it was for a bit but came right back down. After that it was ALWAYS normal in my OB checks so I started to feel crazy and feel like my doctor thinks it’s in my head because I want to be induced at 37 weeks. So I kind of gave up even mentioning the concern because it was always normal. Well today I was in labor and delivery just to double check something and my blood pressure was 145/78 and then 142/83 so first number a bit high. I don’t know what to do ask about it? Or just go on and not mention the concern anymore. My OB doesn’t seem the slightest concerned due to it always being normal in office.