what date would you go by ?

okay so here’s the situation.

i’m pregnant but i don’t know how far along i am, i have an idea but it’s a week difference.

the first day of my last period was June 9th, which would mean i’m 5 weeks and 4 days

BUT i tracked ovulation with LH strips and i know when about my conception date is(we only had sex once this cycle). we had sex on june 29th and i ovulated on or around june 30th. if i go by that then i’m only 4weeks and 2 days because i ovulated a week later than typical.

i want to get the sneak peek gender test done but you have to be at least 6 weeks and my dating scan with my ob is in august so i wont know for sure until then

but what date would you personally go by ?

EDIT: if i go by last period my due date is march 16th and if i go by estimated conception date my due date is march 22nd-23rd. with my son i tracked ovulation the same way and i ovulated on time and he measured exactly what he was suppose to the entire pregnancy. but like i said, this time i ovulated an entire week late, which is why i want to air on the side of caution.