Ugh 14 dpo blues


I need a good vent bc I’m so friggen annoyed and jealous of all of the other woman on here getting bfps dayyyyyys before their periods are due. I know, I get it, I have no idea how hard they struggled or their situation and I should just be happy for them, and I am but today I’m 14dpo, my period is due tomorrow and I’ve had a couple “maybe” I mean “maybe” super faint positives-very likely indents on frer, like so faint you can barely see them with a naked eye. I thought they would get darker but they’re just not. I even took the tests apart which, I know makes them invalid to get a better look and I just can’t anymore.

I love this community, there’s so much good but seeing post after post of bfps at 9,10,11 dpo makes me so sad that I’m not getting them. Bonus, I’ve had two miscarriages, one at 8 weeks and another chemical. I promised I wouldn’t test until I missed my period but those stupid easy@homes sitting in my bathroom cupboard got the best of me and well, here I am.

I know I’m not pregnant, I can feel it. I’m grasping at straws posting photos of negative tests in the hopes that someone on here will give me hope.

I just wish it could be my turn also.