Measuring Behind (Expected due date Feb 27th, 2023)


Hi there.

I was told I was measuring a week behind (6 weeks 4 days) when I'm supposed to be 7 weeks, 5 days. They fear it's delayed growth, but the heartbeat has been rising. On 7/8, I measured around 4 1/2 mm, with a FR of 109bpm. On 7/15, the embryo was up against the wall and they had trouble measuring but estimated 7.6 mm, FR of 118bpm. Today, I returned for a scan and they could see the embryo a little better and it measured at 7.5mm with a FR of 148bpm. Different technicians have been measuring. .

They suggested waiting a week to see if there's any growth. I'm so nervous and anxious and I just want to know it's okay. I had an ectopic pregnancy last time and a loss before that. If anyone has any insight or experience with this, I would love to hear it. I'm trying to hold out hope and stay positive, but it's tremendously difficult.


Update: They found no heartbeat when we went in for today's ultrasound. It's discouraging and saddening. I feel numb. I know many of us have experienced loss, and sometimes a few losses at that..Thank you for your posts, for sharing and for thinking of me. I hope one day I'll be able to have a successful pregnancy and give my little Beck a sibling.