3 weeks pregnant ultrasound???



I went for my follow up ultrasound today and baby was there with a heart rate of 140! Measuring 7w4d, which matches up exactly if calculated from the day we would have conceived. New ultrasound below!

Okay so I’m really confused now after a phone call with my obgyn. This is my first time as a patient of his.

Some back story- I went for an ultrasound a week ago, and it was very different from other ultrasounds I’ve been to. It was at a small town ultrasound clinic, very outdated equipment, blurry photo, etc. The tech just didn’t seem very good, wasn’t very nice, finished the ultrasound without even showing me anything until I asked to see, and then never said anything other than “here’s the sac, and here’s what will be the baby” I should have been about 6w6d, but I definitely ovulated late/implanted late and it took me being a week late before a test came back positive.

So my dr sent me for blood work and hcg came back 2865 and then 4242 45 hours later. He said this was within normal and not concerning, but not evidence that everything is okay.

Today I called him because no one has actually told me how far along I am because my ultrasound wasn’t on track with 6w6d from LMP. He said that it looks like it was JUST after implantation, and that I would have been about 3w at the time of the ultrasound.

I’m now very confused because to me, I see what appears to be a gestational sac and yolk sac, which I saw around 5 weeks when I was pregnant with my son. To me this doesn’t look like a 3 week pregnant ultrasound..

Has anyone ever had an ultrasound at 3 weeks?

Do you see a yolk sac?