Genetic Testing


Just wanted to here from others. Maybe someone has already had to make this decision and could share some info with me.

We have an appointment on Friday for my first ultrasound. I am also soposed to get the blood test for the chromosomes. I'm now starting to wonder if I want to do that or not.

Yes if I did it it would give us more time to prepare our home and lifestyle if our child is special needs. But special needs doesn't bother us at all any way.

From what I understand and I am no expert miscarriages in the first trimester are due to chromosomal abnormalities. So if for the most part, I would have had a miscarriage at this point if there was something wrong, what is the point of this blood test?

My other point is that if something is developing wrong couldn't we see that on a later ultrasound?

I sorta wish I could do this and just have them tell me if its an issue that we would need to terminate or if the baby is fine.

I don't really care to know if it is special needs.

I hope my options and questions make sense. Thanks for taking time to read.

- confused first time mom