Epidural gone wrong


Hey everyone! So I just found out I’m pregnant with my second, and I wanted to see if anyone else experienced the same thing as I did with my first. The whole pregnancy, I was set on getting an epidural. I didn’t want to be induced, but there I was 41 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and I decided to do it. So I go through the induction, my doctor breaks my water, and contractions start to really pick up. At about 5 cm, I ask for an epidural. The anesthesiologist is doing his thing, my right leg goes numb, and he says, “Oops!” So he removes the epidural, and says he’s going to try again. So onto the second attempt at an epidural, he gets it, we’re good. Except, hours later as I’m in the deep of labor, I feel EVERYTHING. So the epidural was no good anyway. About three hours after my son is born, I start to get a super intense headache. The doctor comes in to warn me that they punctured a hole with the epidural and I have a spinal fluid leak! They try to fix it with blood patches (you can look to see what that is), so basically two more epidurals, and I’m still in the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. Can’t sit up for more than a minute without throwing up.

Anyway, I am never ever getting another epidural. So there is anyone else out here that experienced something similar?