Child throws a fit when grandparents come to pick him up

Kristin • Mom to 2 beautiful boys 💙💚

Just recently our almost 3 year old started throwing a fit whenever my husbands parents come to pick him up. He used to be so excited every time he got to go over there and now we can’t even get him in the car seat. I’ve been on maternity leave for the past 6 weeks and I’m about to go back to work and will need them to watch him so I have no idea what to do. I’m guessing he may have this reaction from spending so much time with me and our new baby while I’ve been off work but I’m not sure how to handle this going forward. Last time I ended up driving him over their house myself and they said he cried for almost an hour after I left and kept asking to go home the rest of the day. I feel so awful about the whole thing and it breaks my heart.