2 1/2 month old won’t take the bottle mama is nursing


I need some advice from any nursing mom that has experience with this.. my daughter is 2 1/2 months old and she won’t take the bottle anymore.. my husband would give her one a day when he was off work then once or twice a weekend when he started work and just this last week end till now she won’t take the bottle anymore and only wants to nurse.. does any momma have advice on what my husband and i can do? I’ve tried and she will either cry or play with the nipple or suck for a second then gag.. my husband has tried to lay her down while carrying her and walking while trying to give her the bottle.. and we’ve also tried giving her the bottle by switch real quick after i was nursing “dream feeding” .. and she also doesn’t take the pacifier.. any advice on how i can get her to take the bottle from me or someone else would be greatly appreciated this mama is tired and needs some breaks 🙃