

I’m devastated! After losing my son and daughter do to preterm labor and lac of care from the doctors, 3 years later I finally get pregnant again. My fiancé and I were so happy but that only lasted almost 2 weeks because I’m pretty sure I miscarried at 5 weeks. Mentally I do not have the strength to ever trust my body to do what it was designed to do. If I were to find someone I trusted to have a baby for me with my eggs and his sperm, where do I start?? Does anybody have any information? I am desperate at this point.

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Surrogacy is a legally complicated and very expensive process. With a donor that you personally know, you will still have the costs of IVF and medication fees, mothers entire pregnancy medical bills, and legal fees, plus her costs of missed wages - which could be huge if she is on bed rest or needs a longer maternity leave for healing. Usually you are looking at $100,000-200,000 if you go through an agency but could be lowest $50,000 with a family surrogate. You would contact a surrogacy agency in your state to learn more. Also just putting it out there, I tried for a baby for 10 years and lost 4 before this one plus a LOT of chemical pregnancies that I didn’t even count there were so many. The disappointment and heartache was unreal and i have so many serious health issues we eventually accepted that my body couldn’t sustain a pregnancy. I considered surrogacy, adoption, etc. I had nearly given up and THANK GOD I didn’t. I’m 36 weeks with my 5th pregnancy and I can’t imagine having given up before getting here. Only you know what’s right for you, but I’m just saying it’s still possible. I had a miscarriage just a few weeks before I conceived this baby.


Ja • Aug 13, 2022
Gotcha and I’m sorry you’ve been through so much. Yes so even if someone is doing it for “free” you still have the medical bills of IVF for you and the surrogate, and the pregnancy medical bills, and the legal bills which are all just a required part of the process, even if it’s your sister for example. Just something to understand and consider. Whatever you do, I hope things work out for you 💕


Nae • Aug 12, 2022
The person would be doing it for free. Basically I’d be paying for the insertions only… I just can’t handle no more disappointments… there’s no hand book to get through this