Family memeber announced my pregnancy before I was ready


I recently found out I'm expecting my rainbow baby. I am only 4 weeks 4 days pregnant and am wanting to wait until at least the 2nd trimester to announce my pregnancy to friends and family, my miscarriage last year was at 14 weeks so I want to wait until after reaching the mark. However yesterday I started getting messages and calls from my family asking why they had to find out about my pregnancy through my step cousin. I don't talk to this cousin but we are friends on Facebook so my first thought was I might have accidentally shared a pregnancy test pic somehow. I checked and that wasn't the case. I don't know how she found out because I haven't shared it anywhere except on this app out of fear of another loss and putting my family through that again. I was told by my mom that I am being toxic by keeping the news to myself and being mad at my cousin, am I?

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