Baby here at 36+1!


I had made a post at 34+6 that I was 2cm & about 90% effaced with baby at 0 station. At my appt the following week, I was about 2.5 cm but having really bad back and pelvic pain. My midwife decided to send me to labor & delivery to get a shot to stop labor since she concluded my body was trying to go into labor & wanted me to reach 37 weeks. That was Tuesday. She also told me I couldn’t work until I got to 37 weeks to attempt to make it to full term. Wednesday was my first day off work and I took it easy, slept for most of the day. The only chores I did were sweeping & vacuuming. I went to bed around 10:30 and felt really uncomfortable, like the baby was trying to bust through my skin and she was digging into my ribs. I woke up around 12:45 and rolled over, and lo & behold, my water leaked out. It was distinctly different from feeling like I needed to pee. I got up, went to the toilet to actually go pee, and when I wiped the fluid was pink/blood tinged. So I knew for sure that my water broke. My contractions didn’t start right away so I took a quick shower. I got to the hospital around 1:45, and she was born at 9:33 a.m.

My sweet girl, Gia Capri 💗

6lb 8oz, 19 inches long, and completely healthy!