4 year old

My 4 year old daughter is out of control. I don’t know if it’s the age, or the fact that we just had a baby a month ago, or both. But I feel like I can’t handle her behavior anymore. It started before the baby was born, it’s just gotten worse. She absolutely does not listen AT ALL. All day long I need to repeat myself multiple times, and either bribe her or threaten to take something away. This is for every single thing I tell her to do whether it’s putting on her shoes or step away from the baby or really just anything. She’s also rough with the baby. She won’t leave him alone when I ask her multiple times to stop. When he’s eating she’ll come tickle him and talk really loud and high pitched and then he spits up everywhere. She just will not leave him alone until I start yelling at her. My husband and I have been doing absolutely everything in our power to still give her one on one time so she doesn’t feel like her life got flipped upside down from the baby. One of us takes her somewhere every single day while the other stays with the baby. We take her to the beach, amusement park, campground, play dates, family’s house, movies, parks, out for dinner, out for ice cream, play gyms, summer camps, you name it. She does so much and it’s never good enough. She still comes home not listening and acting out. She’s absolutely not lacking attention yet she will do things for attention even if it’s negative. Like if I tell her not to do something, she will look me straight in the eyes and do it. And then when she gets in trouble she screams slams her door and says I don’t love her. I try to include her in helping me with the baby too. But she’s just too rough so I end up telling her to step away and then she goes on top of him even more. Between lack of sleep, hormones, and her attitude my patience is so thin. I’m tired of yelling at her and threatening to take stuff away. When I do take something away or go somewhere without her when I was originally supposed to take her etc, she reacts out of control. I get it she’s going to be upset but she tells me I don’t love her anymore and I try to explain to her yes I do but she needs to be a good listener and she just won’t accept that. Just argues and tells me I don’t love her anymore. I just want her to listen. I just want her to be sweet and gentle with the baby. I mean she’s 4, not 2, so she should understand to be gentle. We both argue all day long and it’s exhausting. She just screamed out to me that she hates me and doesn’t love me anymore. I’m so sick over it. My mom and I were never super close and I feel like my daughter and I are going in the same direction. I want to be close with her and have a loving relationship. I just don’t want her to be a spoiled brat. She completely walks all over us and I don’t know how to control it. It makes me and my husband argue a lot too because we’re both so stressed out. Any advice is appreciated!