Toddler tantrum


So my 4 year old always throw a tantrum. But when does it, she’s out of control. She yells. Screams at the the top of her lungs. She throws and messes up the room, slams the door, sometimes hits her older brother. I’m so worried that she might have behavior issues. She’s never been like this. But these past months been so hectic. She usually does it when she don’t get her way. But I don’t want to spoil her.

I try my hardest to ignore her, but it pisses me off that I can’t help her or understand her because she’s just crying & yelling. The pitch in her voice just digs into my skin and I feel so out of it. I feel angry but I don’t want to be angry because she’s just a child who can’t communicate well.

I’m not great in handling these kind of situation because I’m still getting over my childhood trauma. My mom would hurt me for every moment I threw a tantrum and still I haven’t recovered from that. I don’t know what to do. It just frustrates me and makes me angry seeing her like this. I sometimes want to rip my hair off just because it’s hard on me. Is it my fault? Am I not a good mom? Her doctor said it might just be a phase. And that she’ll outgrow this behavior. I’m worried and hurt that she’ll hurt other people when she starts school next year 💔