My baby boy arrived. My water broke on moms bathroom floor!


My first two pregnancies I had preterm labor at 36 weeks. With baby number three I started to show signs of that around 34-35 weeks due to work. To be safe I started my maternity leave at that time. Baby boy managed to stay in til 38 weeks. Two days prior to delivery I had started walking a little

Over a mile in the evening as I was wanting to get things going since I had been at home for two weeks doing absolutely nothing.

On 8/13/22 I went for breakfast with my family and to two stores. I had been feeling contractions on and off but nothing triggering me to go get checked. (Looking back I realize I was contracting all day … just nothing painful until my water finally broke!) After shopping we got home and started cleaning and shampooing our carpet. The hubby even put together the car seat and placed it in the car. (So glad he did) My job was to clean the base boards and walls. After I was done, I went to pee and noticed my mucus plug was slightly blood tinged. (Not much) so I decided to take it easy. Around 2:00 we went to my moms house to relax while the carpet dried. I felt some pressure and soreness down there but nothing that was new as I had been aching for weeks with pregnancy pain. I did notice some rectal pressure that started two days prior but that’s it. At 3:40 I went to the bathroom and told my mom idk mom today might be the day, I just felt like it was gonna be time soon. So As I walk to the bathroom I felt pressure like never before which stoped my in my tracks then POP. My water broke on my moms floor. I changed my clothes and We rushed to l&d and thank the lord we did. As we were pulling in I felt my first PAINFUL contraction. I was rushed on a stretcher to the floor, & they informed the nurse my water broke. Of course they have to verify it did and as I strip my clothes off more falls out on the floor. The nurse when ahead and checked me and I was 6cm -1 station, (I had been stuck at 4cm since 35weeks) water definitely broke as she asked me to cough to verify. I was contracting every 3-4 minutes. They admitted me, switched rooms, & I was given some pain medication while they let my fluids run wide open so I could hopefully get the epidural. By this time my husband arrives, he was out running errands when my water broke. This was baby #3 so we knew he would come fast, just not sure how fast! I was nervous but a hour after arrival if that I got my epidural. Shortly after that I was 8cm -1 station. I was given the peanut ball and turned to my R side. Within 5-7 minutes I felt pressure so she rolled me back & checked and I was 9.5cm 0 station. We sat there for a few minutes as they prepared the room and themselves for delivery. She then checked again and I was 10cm/+2/ complete and ready to push! I started pushing and within 5 minutes baby was out!! The total time from admission to delivery was 3 hours and 10 minutes. I was so scared this delivery was going to hurt. Luckily it did not, not even the epidural placement. Baby and I are healing well and I’m just thankful things went very smoothly. I am Also thankful baby boy was able to bake longer than my other babies! Baby was born at 6:50pm weighing 7lbs 4oz.