Don’t trust a multip*…..

mama of 3

Welcome to the world Bodhi ❤️ 6 lbs 8 ounces, 19 inches long and 100% perfect!

“Don’t trust a multip*”, this is what my labor nurse told me after I had been in labor for nearly 10 hours and sitting a 4/5 cm. I was admitted and induced yesterday due to preeclampsia and high blood pressure.

They started me on cytotek (sp?) around 7 am and by 5pm I was slowly progressing with semi consistent contractions. Around 8:30 my doctor came in and suggested breaking my water to help move labor along. It was either that or pitocin and we all know pitocin gets a bad rap for making labor more painful, so considering I was trying to give birth without meds I opted for the water breaking.

Within minutes of my water being broken I had the strongest contractions I had all day. They quickly went from 5-7 minutes apart to every 60-90 seconds and extremely painful and 90% in my back.

After 5ish contractions And being told I was at a 6, I was begging for an epidural because the pain was so intense. I knew I couldn’t handle hours of this pain.

At one point my nurse turns to me (I’m between contractions) and says “we always say never trust a mole tip” she went on to explain that in her line of work a mole tip is a 2nd or 3rd time mom whose labor suddenly progresses very quickly after having multiple regular births before. Which is exactly what happened.

My contractions intensified to the point that I was begging for anything to help manage the pain, but the anesthesiologist had left the hospital and wasn’t answering his phone.

At one point i began feeling the need to push and even couldn’t help it. It was the only thing that stopped my screaming and “helped” my pain. The labor team came in and checked me and said I was at a 6. I thought to myself “no freaking way!!” Because I could feel his head dropping into my pelvic floor with each contraction.

A few contractions later I felt his head crown and the ring of fire. 2 contractions later he was out!!

We were both so stunned that he didn’t cry immediately and pooped on his way out. I sat in shock at what my body and baby just went through. The pain was gone.

From the time my water was broken to when he was born was less than 90 minutes, but I went from a 6 to full and delivered in less than 10 minutes. Oh and the anesthesiologist showed up 10 minutes after birth 😂 thanks guy!

All in all I’m happy that I was able to have him pain mediication free because that was my original plan . But I’m also sooo glad this is my last baby.