Please help, my 2 year old doesn’t seem happy

My son just turned 2 in July. He’s genuinely always crying or whining about something. Yesterday I took him and my 4 year old to the park and the splash pad. He played for about 15 min and then screamed the rest of the time to “go home”. At night, he doesn’t sleep. He’s up every hour or two hours crying or screaming. Really nothing soothes him and eventually he gives up (but I have to be holding him). He sleeps in bed with me otherwise I’d NEVER get any sleep. During the day he fights every meal. He will not eat. He screams during meal times. Eventually he does get so hungry that he will eat a little but it’s never a lot. He doesn’t like to play with anyone. I try to engage him with various things and he walks away from me. All he wants to do is watch tv. I usually keep the tv on for background noise during the day. Silence gives me anxiety. It’s on something mellow like Bluey or Peppa Pig. He will zone out and watch it. Eventually I turn it off and he is miserable. Crying, screaming. He won’t play with me or his brother. He just throws himself on the ground and cries ALL DAY about EVERYTHING. I can’t make him happy. He hates going outside, taking walks, going to the store, playing with any toy, reading books, etc. I can find nothing to engage him. I talked to his doctor and he just kinda dismissed me and told me it’s the terrible 2’s but it feels so much more than that.