Just come insight - pregnancy//miscarriage

So last week I found out I was pregnant (17th) on the Friday (19th) evening I started to bleed, but no cramps, due to my past (3 miscarriages) I assumed the worst, that this was another early loss, however this time has been different, the bleeding was pretty much non existent Friday evening into Saturday morning, but from Saturday lunch time until this morning it’s been pretty heavy (which is to be expected) but I’ve had no cramps, and I’ve still got my symptoms, which include; extreme thirst, hungry all the time, fatigue, lightening crotch, bubbles in my belly, loose bowels, waking up during the night, vivid dreams. I’ve not done a test since Friday so it’s been a good few days now. Now I don’t want to say I could still be pregnant, or I was pregnant with twins and lost one, but can anyone just give any insight? Any advice would help.