UPDATE Is it normal for a doctor to call me at 11pm?

So I recently had an injury and my primary doctor referred me to a wound specialist, my appointment was yesterday and there wasn’t any set time because that’s how that clinic works. They call you before they show up at your home and it was my first appointment yesterday. I waited all day and no one showed up, at 11pm I received a call from a different state. I didn’t answer because I was asleep. I woke up around 1am to feed my 9 month old and I checked my voicemail and it was the doctor saying he wanted to stop by for the appointment. I was like what? I have a baby why would they come to my house at 11pm? I was wondering if these are normal hours for something like this? I called the clinic this morning and had to leave them a voicemail.

Btw I live is California, USA


I called the office I spoke to a woman that was a bit rude when I complained about the “doctor” calling me at that time and said he sometimes sees his patients that late. I told her I didn’t agree with it because I go to sleep early since I have a baby, so she scheduled an appointment for today. I’m not gonna lie, I’m a bit nervous 😬