am I wrong? he was yelling at me saying we’re going to break up if I can’t do it…

am i wrong?

my boyfriend (father of my 2 kids and soon to be 3) started his own business about 6 or so months ago. he’s been doing really good. i’m really proud of him and try to support him as much as i can. i post ads for him everyday (sometimes multiple times a day), i respond to ads and sometimes set up appointments for him.

because of this i have taken on a HUGE workload with being a stay at home mom and it’s been HARD. i have a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old and i’m 4 months pregnant. i am exhausted and overwhelmed. i tried to explain to him how i am overwhelmed and exhausted, especially with being pregnant and if he could even have more of set work hours and take off 2 days a week that would really help me (as if he was working a regular job). i completely wold understand if there was sometimes where he had to stay late or work 6 or 7 days in the week just to get a bigger job done. but all the time is a lot for me. especially i suffer from anxiety and i believe i have slight ocd. so when everything is a mess it really affects my mental health.

he got really upset with me. was screaming at me infront of the kids. he told me he can’t do that. he needs to work 7 days a week and needs to work from before kids wake up to as late as he has to. we were arguing a bit and he said that he could probably do 6 days a week but he would have to work all day until late. he was yelling saying if i can’t do this then we are going to break up. that this is what he wants to do and he’s going to do it. he told me his job is to provide for the kids and that’s all.

him coming home at 9 or 10 is just really late for me. i feel like i’m a single mother. especially when he comes home rarely ever does he help me clean anything (the odd time he will) but he will say he’s tired. he will smoke weed pretty much right away and then either have me stay up late just so i can hang out with him for a bit and be exhausted the next day. or he will just fall asleep on the couch and not prioritize spending quality time with me. he leaves a mess for me constantly. he literally will leave his clothes all around the house on the floor, on the couch, in the washroom, etc. and so i have to go around picking everything up and cleaning up after him. he doesn’t do the laundry. whenever i bring this things up to him he basically convinces me that i’m wrong that he does help me and then i get all confused. idk if i’m wrong.

i’m crying i’m so upset. i want to support him. i feel like i do. i’m just overwhelmed and it’s a lot. i feel like he just put me in this situation and is saying to bad.