2nd Home Water Birth ❤️


We found out I was pregnant on November 1st, and it was quite the shock! I immediately called our doula and midwife to let them know to put us in their July calendar. Our first was a long, beautiful home birth, and I knew I wanted another home birth.

My pregnancy was relatively easy, with my main complaints being fatigue and heartburn. I loved building relationship with our care team again, the 60 minute appointments and holistic care, watching birth videos with our toddler, and preparing our home. My first came at 40+5, so I expected this baby to come around or before that gestation, since statistically second babies tend to come sooner. This baby kept me waiting, though! Through the end of the 40th and beginning of the 41st week, I had some very mild prodromal labor that would build throughout the afternoon and evening, then fizzle out when I went to sleep. At 41+2, we went to IKEA and then swimming with our toddler. I was having very mild contractions, but figured it wouldn’t amount to anything again. At dinner, I was curious, so I timed a few contractions. They were about 7 minutes apart and extremely mild. I tried to put our toddler to bed, but as I was laying with her, they started to pick up a little and I was struggling to read to and snuggle her, so I switched out with my partner. I hopped in the shower, assuming that would slow things down if it was still prodromal labor. I sang funny little tunes during contractions like “I am fine, this is great, it’s probably not reeeeeeal!” 😂

At about 8:30 I got out of the shower and decided to call our doula and midwives. I still wasn’t convinced it was real, but had been lectured many times on calling right away, since second babies tend to come quickly and I’m a doula myself, so it’s common to play down the sensations. I told them I was totally fine and they didn’t need to come or anything. The midwife asked my partner to time a few contractions and call her back. He did, and they were around 3-4 minutes apart, lasting 45-60 seconds, and still “low-medium” intensity, as I put it. I was very much in control, changing positions frequently, and calmly vocalizing through contractions.

Around 10pm, contractions were feeling a little more intense and I could tell my partner was a little stressed trying to take care of me and preparing the environment, so I called the doula again. I told her there was no rush, but she could get ready to head to us. She showed up at 11, and when she walked in I was calm. Within a few contractions, though, I suddenly and very intensely switched over to active labor. She supported me in changing positions, reminding me to relax, providing massage, and giving the reassurance I needed. My partner called the midwives back after a bit, and they arrived at midnight.

I was GBS+ and had consented to IV antibiotics, so after checking my vitals and checking on baby, they asked if I still wanted to do the IV. I said yes, and they suggested I stop in the bathroom and we put the IV in either in there or in the birthing tub (where I wanted to go next). While I was sitting on the toilet, though, my body started pushing. I knew it wasn’t worth it to try the IV if I was already pushing, so I changed my mind on that. They helped me into the tub, which felt amazing. I had two weirdly mild contractions after getting in, and then it got very intense again. I was roaring! In one push, they said they could see hair (the heartburn was worth it!), the next her head was out, and with the next push, she was born into her daddy’s waiting hands at 12:39am. 💜

The feeling of a baby barreling through my body was intense as hell, and after I caught my breath I asked if she had a nuchal hand (hand up by her face) because I could distinctly feel it - she did. The cord was wrapped around her neck, then body, then neck again, so it took a bit of untangling to get her to my chest, as I had birthed her on my hands and knees. Our first comments about her were that she had SO much vernix for a 41 weeker and that she seemed much smaller than our first - and she was smaller, by 1lb 2oz and an inch. I snuggled and nursed my new little squish in the tub while waiting for the placenta to come. After about 50 minutes and some gentle pushing on my part, the midwives offered either pitocin or an herbal supplement. I opted for the herbs, took them (a tincture, so just a few drops under my tongue), and within a few minutes the placenta was born. I then handed baby (and a midwife carried the placenta in a bowl, haha) to my partner for some skin to skin while I got out of the tub and into the bed.

Once tucked in, the midwives cleaned up while we snuggled and nursed and introduced our toddler to the baby. They then did the newborn exam and checked me (no stitches, again!), we cut the cord, our doula ensured we were fed and had everything we needed, and everyone left around 3:30am. Our midwives came back to check on me and baby on days 1, 4, and 7, and we had appointments at their office weeks 2, 4, and 6. I felt so cared for and held throughout this sacred time. It was such an amazing experience to have another home water birth, and I SO highly recommend it to anyone who has a low risk pregnancy.