Can someone help me with my dna results?

Melissa • 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬👧🏻 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭🧒🏻 & 🤰🏻

I recently had a dna ethnic background check done and I have the results!

I've always wanted to know who I am! My mum was born in England she's English and my father is Turkish. I never knew my dads roots properly because he wasn't consistent in my life. I grew up being English and not anything relatable to my dads side.

My dna has came back:

Turkish 47.8%

English 42%

Ashkenazi Jewish 4.3%

Greek and south Italian 2.9%

Finnish 1.7%

Middle Eastern 1.2%

How can my dna be less English then Turkish if my parents are 50:50. My nan says she has got no foreign in her family as she done a dna tree but surely my mums side is from some of them places bevause my dads side of dna is nearly 50%.

Advice would be appreciated ☺️