Bed bugs, please help!

Hi ladies, so my mom doesn't think these are bed bug bites but idk. I'm a severe hypochondriac when it comes to small bugs. They aren't super itchy. They definitely aren't mosquito bites because those swell up so much on me and itch like crazy. I haven't been anywhere that I know that has bed bugs, no hotels, no one's home. I live in a house not an apartment. I've searched everywhere for a bed bug and haven't found any. I did spray for them just in case that's what it is. Anyone who's had bed bug bites before think these are similar? If so, how difficult is it to get rid of them? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Edit: I got these on Friday & I have two more since then- one on my ankle the other on my neck. They aren't exactly the same.

I have a dog but I checked him for fleas and didn't find any and he's not itching. My husband doesn't have any bites and is not itchy either.