Peanut butter Allergy (?)

This is such a long shot posting this but just seeing if anyone is or has had this issue.

My daughter was exactly 11 months when we tried peanut butter on toast. We had almond butter the day before and was fine. She instantly got -mild- hives on her chin. Went through the whole thing with doctors and allergy testing. What were her results? Negative to everything. All tree nuts / peanuts.

So. My question is. Why the heck did she break out in hives if proven that she is in fact not allergic to peanuts?? Does not seem to be palm oil since that’s what was in the almond butter. She had the great value brand of PB if that helps. Is there an ingredient out there in this particular PB that is a common allergen? Obviously my allergist sucks and didn’t offer any of these answers clearly to me. The photo shows when it happened vs about 20 minutes later. It went away fairly fast.

Any insight from a fellow mama would be great.