Should a 4 year old girl always wear a shirt outside?


I am a mom of a 5 year old girl, 4 year old girl, and 1 year old boy. My 5 year old girl is super modest and has just recently started telling me to leave her room when she changes. But my 4 year old girl.. she is my wild one. Parenting her is a constant walking of the line where I don’t want to put out her fire, but I want her to comply at least a little lol. So anyway, she’s in a stage of never wanting to wear shoes or a shirt. Ever. My oldest daughter never went through this. Every time she’s outside playing, she takes her shirt off. Today she was riding her bike down the sidewalk with just shorts on and it’s got me thinking.. is this wrong? Should I be putting a shirt on her and making her keep it on since she’s a girl? It was 90 today just for reference. I just read a news story where a little girl, same age (4) is missing and she was last seen with no shirt or shoes on and people are up in arms about it. I feel really sick over it and mad at myself for just thinking she was in a silly stage. I’m probably going to make a rule where she always has to wear a shirt now, but I’d like to her other’s thoughts too.

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