Flat head mom guilt


At my daughters 2 month check up, the nurse practitioner said she has a mild case of flat head on her left side. After she pointed it out it did come to mind that she favored that side, she is my first baby and I didn’t know you were supposed to rotate how they sleep and try and turn their heads. I knew you didn’t want them laying flat for long periods of time. But I feel so horrible, like I did this to her because I should have known.. the nurse practitioner said if it doesn’t round out by month 4 she will more than likely have to have a helmet because right now her ear is more forward on one side. I’m so nervous about her having to have a helmet. I keep trying to move her head but she always wants to turn it to the left. And I try to hold her as much as I can but she doesn’t always want to be held. Same with tummy time. I feel like such a bad mom.. if any one has had something similar happen let me know your tips to round her head back out. 😞