1*cm dilated when does the real deal happens from here?


M kinda curious and kinda Scared jus a bit simply bcous 🌺 this is my first baby and this is a whole New Level🎉 for me and I can't wait to meet my little strong Baby👶🏽 B 💙 Y 👣🎉

He's definitely been a miracle this whole pregnancy he continues to do great at all our routine prenatal appointment, my doctor is always impressed with him🐅 🎉

Had a OBGYN doctor's ✨ appointment this morning and I found out M 1*cm dilated

DueDate is💎 9)12 💙 if we go past that day then on my next scheduled prenatal appointment 9)14 we will pick a date to induce me for labor ✨ yikes

Anyone has been in my spot and have some useful advice to look forward to...

BabyDust 🧸🎊🎉✨