Baby #3 ?


Me and my partner just found out we are pregnant again. We wasn’t planning on it and I was a birth control. We both did not want any more kids.One because we have our little girl and little boy 3 and 1 and two because I almost died giving birth to our 2 child. My husband want me to terminate the pregnancy because he said that he doesn’t want to lose me and bc it was very traumatic for the both of us. He was pushed out the delivery room while 10 doctors rushed in to safe me. I was in so much pain my body went into shock and had a seizure everything happened so quick next thing I remember I’m being open bc my son had the umbilical cord around his neck to the point he wasn’t breathing.

I’m terrified but we went to an a so called abortion clinic but not what I expected I got to see my peanut kicking and moving around and it’s little heart beat ….I can’t take its life away he’s my baby 💔 We have an appointment Tuesday but I can’t go through it …