Fetal echocardiogram

I’m 25w tomorrow and will be getting scheduled to have a fetal echo soon, I was told all was normal at my anatomy scan I am pregnant with fraternal twins through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> has anyone else had this bc of the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>? Hoping all is well

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I’m 24 weeks and have a fetal echo in a couple of weeks, based off the facts we conceived twins through IVF. I guess (and I’m only saying what my OB said) that there can be heart issues when conceiving through IVF, so it’s just to make sure the hearts are growing and pumping normally (that’s the first Ive ever heard of it, but tbh if there was any issue I feel that the anatomy scan would’ve shown something.)


Li • Sep 15, 2022
Congrats! We’re having two girls 🥰 can’t wait!


Kali • Sep 15, 2022
I’m having boy/girl.


Li • Sep 15, 2022
Thank you so much for your reply, exactly what I was thinking, doc did say everything was developing normally so hoping all is still the same I’m scheduled for it next week at 25w6d. Blessings your way ❤️❤️ Do you know the gender of your babies?