Pregnant - can I lose weight?

Backstory. I have 3 kids, 6, 4 and 2. While pregnant and continuing after my son was born in early 2020, I gained quite a bit of weight. I was about 234 at my highest in June. I've since lost 19lbs and want to continue to lose weight. Recently, I thought I was pregnant about 2 months ago because my period was super late and I just didnt feel great. Turns out, I skipped a period basically and apparently it's a thing. My period ended up coming and got right back on teack... super weird. I wasnt pregnant, not one bit. Hcg was 0.

FF to today. I am 5 days late for my period and am pregnant. I already knew, I had slight nausea. Increased sense of smell (I can smell everything and it is nauseating) plus the dog tired feeling that you cant shake no matter how much sleep you get so I took a test and it was very positive as soon as the pee was pulled in.

I know I can keep working out and eating healthy but is it possible to keep losing weight? I was hoping to be UNDER 200 before getting pregnant again because I just did. And I lost track of my cycle briefly because well... life. Kids. work. Kids' school and homework. Everything. So we did the deed during ovulation and I later realized when we had sex. Oops.

Haven't told my husband yet either. Kind of nervous to. Any thoughts?