For those of you who have had miscarriages pass on their own…what do I expect?


Long story short, I got pregnant on our second <a href="">IVF</a> transfer but baby stopped growing at 6w1d. They took me off all my meds and it’s now three weeks later and I’m starting to have dark brown spotting and dark brown stringy tissue. No red blood yet just lots of brown when I wipe and some on a pad. This has slowly picked up over two days, but I haven’t seen a gush or any true bleeding yet. Should I be concerned I won’t pass it all on my own or does it take time to build a flow? My hormones were super high three weeks ago so I’m sure they’re slowly declining. My first MC I had to have a d&c so I don’t know what to expect with this one.

Sorry for the grossness I just don’t know who to ask💔