Milk supply?


My little girl is mainly on the breast. So I know she's getting enough from there.

But I have always liked (even with my first) to have expressed milk stored in the fridge for my partner and mother to help with top ups, a chance to feed, appointments where I'm not there to feed, date nights ect ect. And in the freezer for the emergency funds!😅

But is 4oz Total from both breasts enough for 5 weeks pp? I eat and drink very well and balanced!

I know pumps don't always pull out all milk but I have been hoping to be able to stock more up as I only really pump once a day, maybe twice depending on partners work schedule.

I don't like the toll pumping so often does to me, I will only pump often if someone else feeds her or if she only goes on the boob for a minuet or two and she hasn't drained the boob. As I don't want a 3rd case of mastitis 🤣

But the questions are,

Is 4oz enough at 5 weeks?

How can I increase this quantity without having to pump every 2h?