40 + 5 contractions or infection?


I am really struggling to understand my body right now. I get monitored every week for baby heart rate and contractions. I really thought I understood what they felt like, as I was having waves of discomfort in the middle/lower part of my abdomen, and they shown up on the monitor.

Anyway last night, I was on the birthing ball for maybe 5 minutes and I coughed, I felt a twinge. Then I said to my partner, I'm scared to get off because I think im going to have pain. Anyway he helped me off and wow the pain was unbelievable. I couldn't fully get up, when I did I couldn't walk blah blah... after some time, it eased and I went to emergency. They saw I was contracting ( they were small and not frequent enough for labour) still was 1cm dilated and nothing changed after an hour. While I was there I lost a lot of my mucus plug.

I went home and all through the night I would wake, with intense pain in my lower abdomen, sometimes it would jist be located there, sometimes it would come from my back, around my sides then my abdomen. I realised I never had the urge to pee like I normally do. If I changed position, the pain would subside and I'd go try pee. The pain would completely stop. No additional things like burning while peeing, no urge to pee..

I'm experiencing this so many times an hour. The pain is intense but when I switch position, it will go, then come back soon. Nothing is becoming closer together, or even more intense. But I'm wondering whether this might be a bladder infection or something?