Big baby?


This will be my second baby, my first measured big in the third trimester and was estimated to be about 10lbs but was 8.9lbs at birth. I didn't have GD, blood pressure issues etc. I just grew a big baby!

Now with my second, at my anatomy scan at 18 weeks he was showing to be in the 60th percentile. At my 30 week scan this past week he is showing to be around the 97th percentile and 4.5lbs already, measuring around 32 weeks. I don't have GD or any blood pressure issues.

My midwife seems a little concerned he's so big, she was asking about my diet and what I'm eating etc. But I'm beginning to think I just grow big babies lol I told her my first was the same way, however he didn't have a huge growth spurt like this little one.

Should I be worried? She said baby is perfect and healthy, he's just on the bigger side.

I've also been exhausted this entire pregnancy which may explain why, because this little guy is growing and growing fast!

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I honestly wouldn't be so worried, especially since they honestly don't know for certain. I was told with my first he would be around 8 pound on the high end. Well jokes on me because he was 10 pound!! My second was looking to be smaller and came out 9 pounds but I also had him a week early. I also had no health issues, was healthy all around, and babies were healthy. I also wouldn't be worried about delivery because when I was checking in for my 2nd, my ob had just gotten done delivering a 10 pound 5 ounce baby NATURALLY!!! I couldn't believe it lol.