If you are actively depressed and suicidal, should you be ttc?


My sister is ttc now yet she has depression so bad she has tried to k*ll h3rs3lf yesterday. She has a long history of suicide attempts (not ttc related) i cant even count. Of course the family has always tried to be there for her and help. Even her apt gets so filthy you cant even see the floor when shes really depressed, which is constantly.. she doesnt even have a stable income.. The ttc is recent after she had a chemical. Before the chemical she was adamant on not having kids and even had a surgery date for a tubal ligation. Now she wants a baby but I don't understand how it is responsible to have a baby when your mental health is so fragile. She told me her therapist was not happy to hear she was ttc and tried to talk her out of it.

Idk... controversial because it can feel like discrimination for me to think she shouldn't be ttc but at the same time I'm really concerned about how her mental health will be affected by a pregnancy and post partum when she is actively suicidal and has been for years. Not to mention I am concerned about the well being of a baby in an environment like that..

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