Should I have said something??

Me, my husband, my SIL and BIL was at my MIL’s house. Me and my husband are staying there until our house is finished. We all were leaving and my BIL kicked the dog!

It caught me off guard. I was basically shocked. Like who does that? I heard my SIL say something but she didn’t confront him.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should’ve said, “what? Are you on a power trip or something?”

Me and my SIL has talked before. She is all the time talking about her husband. He’s not a good person. She was a stay- at- home- mom and was getting annoyed that there was not a lot of income with just one person so she got a job and put her daughter in head-start.

Her husband took away the credit card she had of his and he told her that she is on her own since she got a job.

Fast forward to now, he daughter had to get her tonsils out and she’s been out of work for the past two weeks. She told me she had to borrow money from her brother because her husband isn’t helping her!

She said, “he told me he is paying the house, couch off, car and my job is to buy the groceries”

I don’t know what to tell her. I really feel for her! Her husband sounds like a jerk. 😭 but every time we talk, her husband tells my husband that we gossip…

And that’s why we don’t talk/hangout anymore. Is that gossiping? Sorry to throw two stories in lol

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