How do you start over with someone new to the game???


Long story short I was married, got cheated on and divorced the loser. After everything I went through I finally know my worth and what I deserve in a guy. There is this very nice guy from work that I like alot. I know he likes me too but I can tell this guy hasn’t had a lot of experience with girls and relationships. He lacks a lot on communication and can’t tell me how he feels for me. I was upset because he told our coworker how he liked me, wanted my number and all this stuff and now that I gave it to him he would avoid when I’d ask serious things about him liking me and things alone those lines. I stopped talking to him because I knew I deserve someone who AT LEAST can say how they feel for me. Well we got to talking again. I couldn’t help seeing him at work. He finally told me that he liked me and he doesn’t express his feelings that “maybe” one day he will he said. That it’s hard for him to do. He said he didn’t want to talk about it so idk if maybe something bad happened in his past? But I made him feel comfortable and told him he can talk to me about anything and doesn’t have to be nervous.

Getting to the point…. This guy is very difficult considering the fact he doesn’t know how to communicate well or come talk to me. He’s the guy “if she doesn’t talk to me then I’m not gonna reach out” and In his case its because he doesn’t know how to be upfront and talk to me about things right. He said I make him nervous but in a good way. Like I know he wants to hangout and such but he doesn’t communicate that. I have to. I want him to but he doesn’t get it I guess

I really like this guy but idk how I’m gonna get him to work on these things. He has a lot to improve and I want to help him but Idk how. I want him to express himself but how do I do that? If someone doesn’t know how to.

I’m willing to start over fresh brand new for a guy who’s new to all this because I like him that much but afraid I can’t help him