Sleeping where…


I feel my little one sleeps better in his crib in his room but I’m too anxious to have him in his own room yet. I’m just trying to get a feel on how others are doing it, or if maybe I should set a playpen up in our room since it’ll be comfier for him and maybe he’ll sleep better than the bassinet.

Where does your babe sleep? I’m also extremely lucky and he either gets up once at 4am or not until his 7am wake up; bedtime is 8:30. (My daughter on the other hand; up 4 times a night until 8 months at least) Lately though he’s been fussing right after going down in his bassinet in our room, however if I put him in his room in his crib he goes right to sleep. What do you guys do? He’ll be 4 months on the 11th! 💙💗

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