Autumn Colds 🍂

Alexandra • BA of Arts Degree Dog Momma 12•01•2019 Eric 03•05•2021 Aurora - May 11•20•2022 Izabella 05•02•2024 Wife 04•03•2021

I just want to RANT about how awful Autumn Cold’s are.

I’m 35 weeks, and I have a 19 month old.

Last week he was at my MIL place and one of his aunties came home sick from school. THANKFULLY it wasn’t COVID, but my son caught it, and has passed it along to me. 😢

I struggle with SEVERE post nasal drip during pregnancy, and have found ZERO relief. Well let’s just add this stupid cold on top of it. 😆

My son has been sleeping in my bed - because he won’t sleep in his own when he’s sick 🙄 And on top of getting up about 4 times a night to pee (thank you baby for sitting low in my pelvis) I get up another 3 times with him, fussing because of his poor little nose.

I am absolutely EXHAUSTED, and OVER this pregnancy. 😂 (in the best way)