Would you count this as your period?


So this may be long, but please bare with me 😬

Back story: End of august my IUD perforated and I had to get surgery to remove it beginning of September. I had my period September 15th it was a normal period about 5/6 days.

It was predicted I would ovulated September 29th. Days leading up to that I was using opks but was getting nothing. On October 2 I had very light spotting, this lasted for about 3 days. I had stopped testing for ovulation thinking I had missed my peak.. but when I say the spotting I thought maybe it was ovulation?

If I count the day of spotting I should be starting my period in a day. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I took an OPK and it was positive and then the next day it had gone down. I’m now 2 days late for predicted period with negative pregnancy tests.

If the spotting was my period then I would be in my ovulation window…

What do you think? Would you count 3 days of spotting as a period after being on birth control?