Scary ass birth story 😩


So last Monday when I was 40+4 weeks I decided to call my OB to do a fluid test on me because since the day before Iv been having the tiniest bit of leakage here n there. Literally no more than discharge but it was more watery. Was not expecting to get there at 10am and it be positive and 4cm dilated. Since it was leaking from the day before I had to go straight to the hospital and get induced. Drove myself hubby was home with other kids until my parents (an hour away) got there. Triage was INSANE. Everyone decided to go in labor that day. Got checked in at 11am n midwife said she won’t check me until it’s necessary so we don’t loose more fluid n have a higher risk of infection. I’m having contractions but there manageable and irregular. Hubby gets there. I’m breathing through contractions and getting closer together about 5 min apart. 4:00pm rest of water breaks. Nurses aren’t worried still waiting on a nurse to induce me and a room! 4:45pm comes and I told hubby get the mid wife now to check me because I can feel pressure. She checks me in shock I was 7cm!!! I told her I’m worried I won’t have time for an epidural. She rushes to get me to a room. I get comfortable. oh the computer isn’t working they move me to another 😐 mind you I’m literally in active labor. The anesthesiologist meets us there starts prepping me. As he’s taking out the packaging I told them NOPE baby is coming now!!! Nurses looked and saw babies head. Mid wife rushes in I start pushing FUCKING HELL btw. They notice once head is out that the cord is wrapped around babies neck 2x. No one told me this while giving birth but I’m screaming I can’t n my husband n every one is telling me to push as hard as I can for our baby thank god I found the strength. Our Son (was a surprise gender) was born at 5:29 pm 8ls 13ozLess than an hour of me being in triage and 7cm!! I ended up having some hemorrhaging so they stuck a suppository up my ass (5 pills) that were supposed to “desolve” . Shit did not desolve felt like I had glass in my ass for 2 days until a stool softener was able to help it pass 😭. Thankfully bleeding stopped baby and I are healthy and I am beyond thankful and proud of myself for getting through that. Was not the birth I wanted at all and almost gave birth in triage but I low key feel like super woman for being able to birth a 8lb 13 oz baby with no epidural!! 😅

Meet Cassell 💙 he is perfect and so worth it.