Pre eclampsia


I was due August 31st but my baby and my body had other plans. August 23rd I went into an appointment and I have extremely high blood pressure which is unlike me. It was 139/90 when my blood pressure has never once been over 123/65 during pregnancy and just my normal day to day. On the 25th they decided it was time to endure my labor because my blood pressure wouldn’t go down or regulate and my babies heart rate kept skyrocketing and then dropping low. 23 hours and 30 minutes later at 12:32 pm my baby was born. I had 3rd degree rip and was bleeding a lot and my baby had a cord wrapped around her neck three times. What they didn’t tell me was she stopped breathing a few times. I cut the umbilical cord they told me to hurry if I wished to do so. So I did. Then they put my baby on O2 and rushed her away. Three hours later I got to see her. They said her breathing was great now and explained to me what had happened. But that was just the start for us. For four weeks we were both in and out of the hospital. Now I just take her with me so we can see our lactation nurse for help with breastfeeding and how I can produce more.

I wish all the other moms best of luck and always listen to your body.

Everleigh is now a strong loud crying 7week old