VBAC 2022


I gave birth on July 26 at 3:18AM I have a healthy baby boy. I had a VBAC that went good I guess. But let me tell you I had the worse birth experience. I love my baby so much but that was the most painful experience. I’m just 20 years old and had my c section when I was 17. My baby was born still born full term… which was the saddest day of my life still hurts to talk about him.. but three years later I had another baby boy which he’s his brothers twin.💙 I was contracting for 1 full day which were bearable at first until like 9pm they just kept getting worse and worse and i don’t know why my dumb a** was thinking they were Braxton hicks ?? Idk why 😂 didn’t wanna go to the hospital and he sent back home in the pain I was in but then after a while literally at like 2:15 am we left to the hospital I was YELLING in pain I swear it was so dramatic I just couldn’t bare the pain it hurts so bad on a scale of 1 to 10 like 2000. I was crying yelling and the contractions just wouldn’t stop when I arrived to the hospital I could barely walk or even talk I was just crying and yelling in pain it felt like my back was just breaking into pieces. Turns out I was already 9cm dilated !!! I almost fainted when the nurse told me because I knew I couldn’t get an epidural I was begging for it when I got there but no I was already crowning he was already coming out. I felt EVERYTHING. The burning feeling of me just being ripped I am traumatized from birth. I ripped from the top and inside. Healing was so painful but I’m so happy my baby boy is so perfect and chunky. 😂😂 crazy day.